Rasayana – Rejuvenation Therapy
Life tips by Dr. Aparna B.A.M.S, M.D, Ph.D.
Rasayana or rejuvenation therapy is one of the eight specialized branches of Ayurveda. Rasayana is defined as the means of achieving the finest quality of body tissues, thereby improving the quality of life.
Rasayana therapy can be given to healthy individuals for the promotion of health as well as those who are sick to support better immune resistance. The first phase to an effective rasayana therapy is purification of the body and the channels through a series of body purification techniques. Afterwards, herbal formulations are administered.
Rasayana medicines are proven to have immunomodulatory, adaptogenic, antioxidant, anti-ageing, nutritive, anabolic, haemopoetic, neuroprotective and nootropic (promoting intelligence and brain function) properties. There are many types of Rasayana therapies and innumerable herbal combinations according to the specific needs of the individual.
Effects of Rasayana Therapy
- Improves metabolic process which results in best possible biotransformation and provides optimum nourishment to all tissues
- Improves the intellect and memory
- Promotes general health and immunity
- Improves luster and complexion
- Strengthens the sense organs
- Improves virility and vitality
Types of Rasayana Rejuvenation Therapy
There are three types of Rasayana, depending on the achievable outcome:
- Naimittika Rasayana—the curative Rasayana—is used to combat or balance a specific cause responsible for disease in the body.
- Ajasrika Rasayana is used to maintain good health and improve the quality of life through a healthy lifestyle, diet or exercise. It is also called Vayasthapan Rasayan.
- Kamya Rasayana is rejuvenation intended to serve a special purpose. There are four types of it:
- Prana Kamya for maintaining the best quality of prana (life energy) in the body.
- Medhya Kamya for enhancing the memory and intellect.
- Ayush Kamya for increasing longevity.
- Chakshu Kamya for maintaining healthy eyes.
There are two modes of administration
- Kutipraveshika (kuti=cottage, pravesha=enter) is an indoor management treatment during which the person lives in a specially prepared cottage for a long period while taking various Rasayana herbs.
- Vatatapika—vata means air and atapa heat or sun—is good for people who are engaged in everyday life activities. It is an outdoor management treatment and involves taking Rasayana while the person remains exposed to air and heat.
There are three types of modalities:
- Achara Rasayana (behavioral modalities) are positive behaviors that enhance health, happiness and longevity aimed for psychological and spiritual health.
- Ahara Rasayana (dietary modalities) includes rules relating to eating, types of food and their properties, etc.
- Aushada Rasyana are specific herbs and their combinations for various ailments.
Those wishing to undergo Rasayana therapy should do a proper panchakarma detoxification under the guidance of a skilled Ayurveda doctor and then start with the Rasayana therapy suitable for the age , body type, status of body and desired effect. There are more than 150 Rasayana herbs and formulations mentioned in Ayurveda text books which have been clinically proven to be effective.
Aparna K. BAMS, MD, PhD
Aparna is one of the few specialists worldwide with a PhD in Ayurveda. Born into an Ayurvedic family which operates a traditional Ayurvedic Panchakarma hospital in Kerala, India, she grew up observing her father, the renowned Dr Padmanabhan.
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