Doshas and Hormonal Health in Women

Ayurveda encompasses the holistic concept of health as body and mind wellness. Ensuring a balance of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha (the Tridoshas) results in optimal health. These bio-energies control different systems in our body like digestion, circulation, and movement. Vata controls movement, the mind, and elimination, Pitta controls digestion, hormones, and metabolism, and Kapha controls lubrication, structure, strength, stability, and immunity. Hormones are the messengers that control our physical and psychological wellbeing.
Women are affected more than men by shifts in hormones due to puberty, pregnancy, post-partum, perimenopause, and menopause. These hormonal shifts in a woman’s life make them more susceptible to physical and emotional imbalances.
Kapha is dominant in a woman’s early years when the menstrual cycle begins, Pitta is strongest during their mid-twenties through to menopause, and Vata takes over during perimenopause and menopause. When Doshas are out of balance women can experience diseases like fibroids, myomas, cysts, and cancer, and emotional fluctuations and hot flashes. When it comes to balancing hormones, Ayurveda focuses on understanding each person’s unique mind-body makeup (Prakriti) and their current state of imbalance (Vikriti). This holistic system emphasizes aligning ourselves with nature’s rhythms—prioritizing mindful sleep, waking, movement, and eating habits.

These are the major reasons for hormonal imbalance:

  • improper diet and lifestyle for Dosha type and imbalances
  • stress
  • lack of routine
  • accumulation of toxins.

How to balance hormones:

  • Dosha analysis and following Dosha-specific diet and lifestyle recommendations
  • Dinacharya—a daily regimen key to maintaining good health
  • meditation and yoga to improve circulation, reduce stress, and maintain hormone levels
  • make time to detox

Dosha-specific advice:

  • balancing Vata is the key to making the perimenopause transitions easier—reduces hot flashes, improves sleep, and emotional fluctuations
  • doing self Abhyanga (massage), especially a foot massage with sesame oil helps to aid sleeplessness and hot flashes
  • drinking lemon grass or mint tea in the morning and evening helps with hot flashes
  • coconut water mixed with Aloe Vera contains potent anti-oxidants that help regulate hormones.
  • balancing Pitta is important to regulate menstruation cycles
  • do regular exercise
  • avoid coffee, synthetic sugar, artificial colors, and cold beverages to avoid menstrual symptoms
  • ensure you eat anti-oxidant-rich fruit, seeds, and dry fruit like dates and raisins to reduce weakness during menstruation
  • drink herbal tea prepared with fenugreek and cumin seeds to reduce menstrual pain.
  • balancing Kapha improves the metabolism and helps keep weight gain under control
  • eat low-fat foods and exercise regularly to prevent pre-menstrual symptoms
  • reduce physical exertion and only eat light meals during menstruation
  • drink turmeric and cumin seed herbal tea to avoid menstrual irregularities.

Dr. Resmi V. Rajagopal, BAMS, MS (Ayurveda Gynec), PGDYN

Dr. Resmi is a versatile Ayurvedic physician from Kerala, India, specializing in women’s health and pregnancy care, therapeutic yoga, and nutrition.

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