Benefits of Coconut Oil and Cashew Nuts According to Ayurveda
According to Ayurveda, coconut oil has Pitta and Vata pacifying properties. It is nourishing and improves immunity and strength. Coconut oil contains rare medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA) that are quickly and easily absorbed, digested, metabolized, and utilized by the body. They don’t clog arteries like longer chained fats or spike blood sugar levels. Coconut oil has a high smoking point and it won’t create cancer-causing free radicals when used for cooking. Coconut oil is considered to be the best massage oil for newborns and toddlers. It soothes diaper rash and dry skin in babies. Oil pulling with coconut oil in the mouth for 3-5 minutes daily removes bacteria and promotes healthy teeth and gums. Coconut is one of the most stable oils and can easily imbibe the qualities of herbs with which it is processed, which makes it a very good base oil for various Ayurveda medicated oils. Coconut oil is very effective on chapped lips and is excellent for pre-bath massages and quick post-bath hydration. Coconut oil is a natural makeup remover. It gently dissolves long-lasting, highly pigmented makeup without drying the skin. Regular head massage with lukewarm coconut oil is very effective in relieving stress. It promotes hair growth and prevents scaly dry scalps. Equal parts of coconut oil and lemon juice are very effective for dandruff when massaged on the scalp. It is better to avoid coconut oil in Kapha imbalance, sinusitis, cold, cough, etc.CASHEW NUTS
Cashew nuts are a powerhouse of nutrients. It is Rich in Magnesium calcium, zinc copper vitamins C, E, B2, B3, and essential dietary fibers. It’s heating in nature and sustains the body’s warmth in winter. It’s highly recommended for healthy bones, hair, and skin. Promotes strength memory and libido. It increases pitta and kapha in the body. It has been proven to reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. More than a handful of cashew nuts a day in any form is not advisable in Ayurveda. It’s heavy for digestion. Too much of cashews can provoke gas and bloating, leading to constipation, hot flashes, etc.Aparna K. BAMS, MD, PhD
Aparna is one of the few specialists worldwide with a PhD in Ayurveda. Born into an Ayurvedic family which operates a traditional Ayurvedic Panchakarma hospital in Kerala, India, she grew up observing her father, the renowned Dr Padmanabhan.
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