Dosha mind types — Vata, Pitta, Kapha — which one are you?
Can you identify your predominant Dosha from your emotions and mental state?
Find out which one you are:
Vata minds are:
- more active
- overthinking
- anxious
- have multiple thoughts
- lack of focus
Vata minds are also more creative and can deal with many projects at a time.
Pitta minds are:
- moderately active
- great at planning & organizing
- more practical
- have leadership qualities
- confident
- accept challenges easily
- expressive
Pitta minds can also stress out easily, be short-tempered, and be easily irritated.
Kapha minds are:
- slow to express feelings
- hold onto emotions
- lean towards laziness
- lethargic and tired
- stress can make them introverted and depressed
Kapha minds are also calm, accepting of situations, adjustable and adaptable, and patient in problem-solving.
Which one are you?
You can find out your Dosha with the help of our online Dosha Quiz
Dr. Resmi V. Rajagopal, BAMS, MS (Ayurveda Gynec), PGDYN
Dr. Resmi is a versatile Ayurvedic physician from Kerala, India, specializing in women’s health and pregnancy care, therapeutic yoga, and nutrition.
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